My Story Book Page
Monday, April 23, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Birthdays are so much fun. You get to do so many things when it is your birthday, like going shopping, or going to a water park, and getting a haircut, or maybe get your nails done. Oh, and you can't forget, "Cake" you can't have a birthday without cake. And you never know what you might get for your present.
Oh, and when it is your birthday you get to stay up late and watch movies. It is nice when you get older, because you get to do so many more things when you are older, like stay up and watch the more scary movies with the older kids, and you get to go do the fun things with the older kids. It feels really good when you get to do the fun stuff that the older kids do, it's almost like you get to be in their club. Everybody knows what that's like, but sometimes the older kids do not want to do the stuff with you. But if you want them to do the fun, and cooler stuff with you, then you have to not bug them too much. Just let them invite you, instead of you inviting yourself. But every year you get to do a little bit more cool stuff, as you get a little bit older. And don't try to grow up too fast, because you never know how much life you have left to live, I know it is really really hard to not try to grow up fast, because it is fun to be with the other kids and do the things that they do. But, just do the things that God wants you to do. And maybe the older kids will want to do more things with you, you never know.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sunny Days
"Mom, I am going out to play, because it is a really sunny day."
"Okay, but, Penny, if you want to go somewhere you come and tell me, okay?"
"Okay, bye"
"Penny, Penny!"
"Hey Sammy."
"Penny, do you want to go down in the woods?"
"Um, well I would have to go ask my mom if I was going to go with you."
"Well, then go ask her."
"Hey mom?"
"Can I go play in the woods with Sammy?"
"Okay, but only if you come back before supper time."
"Okay! thanks Mom, bye"
"Have a good time."
"Sammy! My mom said yes."
"Okay, lets go."
(10 minutes later)
"Oh, Penny we are here, do you see the old path down there?"
"Yes, I do."
"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"
"Okay, but I don't want to go too far down."
"Don't worry!"
"But if we go really far down we could get lost."
"Okay, we won't go too far, but we at least have to go to the river."
"All right."
(5 minutes later)
"Sammy look! I see the river."
"Cool, let's get closer."
"But not too close, because we might fall in."
"Penny! Look, there are fish in there."
"That's really cool."
"Maybe we can catch some fish."
"Okay, but we have to stay in the shallow."
"Okay Penny."
(Two hours later)
"Wow! Look at all the fish we caught."
"I know, right."
"Penny, what time does it say on your watch?"
"Oh no!"
"What, what is the matter?"
"I was supposed to be back before supper, and it is past 6:00 o'clock."
"Well, we better get back."
"My mom is going to be mad at me."
"Don't worry, we just lost track of what time it was, so I bet she will understand."
(10 minutes later)
"Penny, look we are at your house now."
"Penny! Where have you been? I have been waiting for you for two hours."
"I am sorry, we lost track of time."
"Well, I gave you that watch for a reason."
"I am really sorry, Mom."
"Next time you make sure that you come home on time, okay?"
"Okay mom."
"Hey Penny?"
"Yeah Sammy?"
"It is getting late so I have to go home."
"Okay, bye."
"Well, Mom do you want to see all the fish we caught?"
"Only if we can have some for supper!"
"Ha Ha, okay."
"Okay, but, Penny, if you want to go somewhere you come and tell me, okay?"
"Okay, bye"
"Penny, Penny!"
"Hey Sammy."
"Penny, do you want to go down in the woods?"
"Um, well I would have to go ask my mom if I was going to go with you."
"Well, then go ask her."
"Hey mom?"
"Can I go play in the woods with Sammy?"
"Okay, but only if you come back before supper time."
"Okay! thanks Mom, bye"
"Have a good time."
"Sammy! My mom said yes."
"Okay, lets go."
(10 minutes later)
"Oh, Penny we are here, do you see the old path down there?"
"Yes, I do."
"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"
"Okay, but I don't want to go too far down."
"Don't worry!"
"But if we go really far down we could get lost."
"Okay, we won't go too far, but we at least have to go to the river."
"All right."
(5 minutes later)
"Sammy look! I see the river."
"Cool, let's get closer."
"But not too close, because we might fall in."
"Penny! Look, there are fish in there."
"That's really cool."
"Maybe we can catch some fish."
"Okay, but we have to stay in the shallow."
"Okay Penny."
(Two hours later)
"Wow! Look at all the fish we caught."
"I know, right."
"Penny, what time does it say on your watch?"
"Oh no!"
"What, what is the matter?"
"I was supposed to be back before supper, and it is past 6:00 o'clock."
"Well, we better get back."
"My mom is going to be mad at me."
"Don't worry, we just lost track of what time it was, so I bet she will understand."
(10 minutes later)
"Penny, look we are at your house now."
"Penny! Where have you been? I have been waiting for you for two hours."
"I am sorry, we lost track of time."
"Well, I gave you that watch for a reason."
"I am really sorry, Mom."
"Next time you make sure that you come home on time, okay?"
"Okay mom."
"Hey Penny?"
"Yeah Sammy?"
"It is getting late so I have to go home."
"Okay, bye."
"Well, Mom do you want to see all the fish we caught?"
"Only if we can have some for supper!"
"Ha Ha, okay."
Monday, February 27, 2012
When I Went To A Sleep Over
One day my friend invited me to sleep over at her house, and my mom said yes! So the next day I went to my friend's house at 12:15, and her mom said that we could go bowling at 2:30, and so we said that we should play three games. There was two girls and two boys, so it was boys against girls, and the girls won! So when we were done bowling we went back to my friend's house at 3:45, and we played a bunch more games. When we were done with supper we went to Perkins at 9:50 for some ice cream with some other friends. When we were done with our ice cream we went to Wal-Mart at 10:35 to buy some thing, and we were being weird and loud, and it was so much fun. The other friend that went with us to Perkins and Wal-Mart, asked if she could sleep over at my friend's house, too, and her mom said yes! So then we all went to my friend's house 11:45 and we were playing games and watching a movie, and we fell asleep at 2:30 a.m. Then in the morning we played some more games and laughed so hard that we were all turned red in the face, at 10:15 the other friend had to go so my friend and I got ready for the day, and played a lot of games on the Wii. And at 12:00 I had to go home. But I had the best time ever.
Friday, February 24, 2012
When You Are Sick
I really hate being sick, being sick is no fun. When you are sick you have to stay in bed, and you have to take medicine, "Eww". I really don't like taking medicine. Sometimes the medicine can taste okay, and other times it tastes gross. There are so many different kinds of sicknesses, and some sicknesses can kill you. I have been sick lots of times, and every time that I get sick it is usually fall or winter. I wish that sicknesses did not exist, that would be really cool. But remember that when we die, if we are saved, we will go somewhere where we will never be sick.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
People can be nice, and people can be mean. There are so many different kinds of people in the world, and some people do not treat other people the right way. In the beginning the world was so nice, and now the world is really bad. All people in the world are sinners, and we all do bad things.
When you say to someone, "you are a sinner" they will get mad and say, "well I am not the only bad person in the world that does bad things" and they are right. They are not the only person in the world that does bad things, we all have done bad things before. If you want to tell someone about the Lord you have to tell them the right way, like this, "Jesus died on the cross to take our sins, and if we want to go to heaven when we die, then we have to believe on the Lord Jesus and accept His sacrifice, that is the only way to go to heaven."
Some people in the world think they are Christians, but they have not accepted Jesus and turned from their sin, so that means that they are not a Christian. People are sinners, and we all have to face that sometime in our lives.
We can't think that, if we do one thing that God likes that then we are a Christian, that's not the way it works. Life is never easy, there are so many things that we have to do that we might not like. People make mistakes all the time. There are a lot of decisions that we all have to make, and sometimes we do not make the right decision, but that is just the way life is. God is the one that gave us life, and if God did not create the world and space and life, then we would not be here. The only reason that there is life, is because God created it. The things that God created are so amazing, wonderful, and pretty, I just can't believe that God created all of this. I am so amazing.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
When People Need Help
There are so many people in the world that need help, and there are so many different things that people need help with.
And one of those things is Faith. There are so many people that do not have faith in the Lord.
Some people that are Christians try to talk to other people that are not Christians, and try to make them want to walk with the Lord for the rest of their life.
I like to help people with their problems because it makes me feel like I accomplished something; it makes me feel so good. God wants us to help other people in the world, and when you do help someone, you will know that you did the right thing. There are so many things that we could do that would help other people, but some of us are too lazy and we don't help them. We should all go out in the world and help the people that need help. When you follow God's commands, God will do great things in your life. Some of us do not want to follow rules, we just want to live our life the way we want to. But that is not the right way. When we do the right things God will help us,
so no matter how we want to live our lives, we should never turn away from the Lord. So I just want to tell everyone that, if you want to live a happy life, then you have to follow God Way. We might not want to, but if you want to go to heaven and live a wonderful life, just do the things that you know that are pleasing to the Lord.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Bethany, Katie and Molly.
"Hey Molly, I am going to call Bethany and see if she is still coming to the river." "Okay."
"Hello, hey Bethany are you still coming to the river with Molly and I?" "I will be there in a little bit." "Okay, Molly and I will be waiting at the river." "Okay."
"Mom, I will be at the river with Katie and Molly." " Bethany." "Yes?" "I don't like when you go down to the river, you could get hurt." "Don't worry, we will be careful."
"Molly, Katie I am here." "Sweet, let's go down to the river and look at the frogs." "Well my mom said that I should not go really close to the river." "Don't worry we will not go that close." "Bethany, Molly look there's a frog." "Oh come on Bethany and Katie let's go closer to the river." "Um you guys go I am going to stay up here." "Well, I think you are just scared." "No I am not." "Well, then you should come down, it's not that close." "You guys are right next to the water." "Yeah, because we are not scared." "Molly if Bethany does not want to come down, then she does not have to come down, and her mom said that she should not go to close to the river." "Whatever, but it is more fun down here, then it is up there." "Fine, I will come down." "Um Bethany I just got done telling Molly that you don't have to come down." "I know, but I want to come down." "Okay." "Bethany look at the frog." "That frog is really pretty." "Bethany, look out!" "Aaaaaah, I am falling in, help!" " Bethany grab the stick!" "I got it." "Oh Bethany look at you." "You are all wet." "Molly, look at what you did." "I did not make her fall in the river." "But you said she was scared, and Bethany did not like it, so she came down by us and she got too close and fell in."
"You are right Katie, I should not have said that you are scared, I was just making fun of you, and I know that was not right of me to do that." "What are you going to tell your mom Bethany." "Well, I guess I am going to tell her the truth."
"let's go tell your mom."
"Bethany what happened to you?" "Well, I got too close to the river and fell in." " I can see that, are you all right?" "I am fine, but I am sorry that I did not obey you."
"I just wanted to go down to the river with Molly and Katie." "Well, if you are all right and no body got hurt then I will forgive you, but don't do that again, okay?" " Okay mom I promise not to do that again."
Friday, November 18, 2011
God Our Father
God is so holy and just. God loves us so much that he gave us his son to die on the cross to take our sins. Some people do not believe in God and so when they die they do not go to heaven they go to hell. That is really sad. When you are a christian you can go to God with all you need and if you believe in him he will help you. It can be fun when you are a christian and it can be hard, because you will have times when you what to give up, because when something happens you might be angry at God and you might give up. Girls and boys moms and dads don't give up, believe in God our father and be a daughter or a son to the Lord.when you are having a bad day, and something happens and you really sad and upset, you should go to God instead of giving up.
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Sea
The sea is full of animals. Some animals in the sea are dangerous but some are not dangerous. One animals in the sea that is dangerous is the shark. Sharks are really dangerous because sharks can kill you. Most of the fish in the sea are not dangerous, but some can be. Swimming in the sea is really dangerous because you can be killed by some dangerous animal that lives in the sea. A lot of people have died at the sea because they went to go swimming in the sea. There are so many different kind of animals in the sea. If you went to the sea you would see many different kinds of cool and dangerous animals there. Fish are really cool. All most all of the fish in the world are slimy. If you have gone fishing you would know what I am talking about. Fishing is really fun, and fishing is really hard. One of the reasons that fishing can be hard, is that you have to be really patient. Sometimes the fish can be too big and some of the fish can fall of the hook. Sometimes it is fun to have a pet fish in your house. There are a lot of things that you can know about fish all you have to do to know more about fish is go find a book about fish and you will find the things that you want to know about. Some fish are really pretty. One of the reasons that fish are really pretty is that some fish have a lot of colors, but some really pretty fish can hart you if you bother with it. If you have gone to the sea, it is really fun to go on the sea shore and pick up shells. THE END
Sunday, November 13, 2011
My name is Mary, my brother's name is Michael, my mom and dad's names are Ann and David. I really like animals. "Dad is today Monday?" "Yes it is." "Remember you said that next Monday you would let me get a pet?" "Well I guess I did." "so are we going right now?" "Well you go ask your mother and if she says we can go right now then we can go." "Mom! mom, can we go right now to go get me a pet?" "Well I guess you guys can go right now." "Oh! Thanks, Mom! Come on, Dad, let's go!" "Ok, but let me get my money." "Okay, here we are." "Oh, Dad, can I get a bird?" "No. Do you want to get a cat or a dog?" "Mmm, I don't know." "Well, you should go look at the cats and dogs." "okay. Oh Dad, look at this really pretty dog." "oh, but look there is a really cute cat." "Oh, Dad I don't know what one to get." "So you really like the cute cat and you really like the pretty dog?" "Yeah, but I don't know what one to got because I like them both." "Well, if you could take really good care of both of them then you could get both." "Oh Dad are you serious?" "If you want them both." "Oh I do! Thank you!! It is the best birthday present ever!" THE END
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My Grandma & Grandpa
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
My Friends
Well, my friends like a lot of stuff, too. Well, they like a lot of stuff that I like, like swimming, and rollerblading, and riding our bikes. They like to go to the park and play with me.
We sometimes like to draw. We like to talk about funny stuff because we like to laugh a lot.
We really like to have sleep overs they are so much fun.
Sometimes we like to play games on the computer. Other times we like to play games like Monopoly, Rack-o, Charades for Kids, Mancala, Family Bingo, or Apples to Apples.
But, when we are together we have the most fun time ever. I just love it when we can get together
because I love being with my friends.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sarah likes a lot of things. She likes to go shopping. She likes neon colors. She likes to go exercising. Sarah likes to go swimming, too. She likes the summer, but not the winter. She really likes to eat apples, and to eat pears, too. She likes to watch movies.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I do not like winter as much as I like summer. winter is so cold. but I like to go sledding because Sledding is fun. well if you are not cold. but one thing I do not like about winter is you can not bike In winter and you can not Rollerblade in winter and you can not jump rope in winter.
I mean you can't do meaning things in winter.
I wish you can do more things in winter I mean you can do so meaning things in summer then in Winter. winter can be fun. but not as fun as summer. because in summer you don't have to worry About being cold. but in winter you do have to worry about being cold.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I love Summer it is so much fun. it is not to hot nor to cold. and in summer I love to go to the Pool and the pool here in my town is so big and fun.
And in the summer you can ride your bike and go on woks and go Rollerblade and go see your Friend's and you can go to the park. and go outside and jump rope. and go to your favorite tree and Clime it. and some times I go outside and look at the bird's.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
My Mom

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Going To ValleyFair
ValleyFair is sooo much fun. I went to ValleyFair last year I went to ValleyFair with my Friend Abby it was fun. I really like rollercoasters they are fun. there is A pool at ValleyFair it is sooo much fun. but my Friend her favorite ride was the Monster. it is a really fun ride.the pool at ValleyFair has a wavepool it is so cool. I have gone to ValleyFair 4 times. valleyFair is 1 of my favorite place to go to.
Friday, July 2, 2010
My Brother David
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Everything I Do Affects My Family
My family needs me to help. I can help the little kids get ready to go outside. Then they can play outside longer and they will be happy and no one else would have to stop what they were doing.
If someone tells me to do something, do it right away, don't leave it for someone else to do. Doing it right away means that person doesn't have to keep telling me to do it. This is obedience. When I obey it is a good example to the younger children.
My attitude is how I react to something. A good attitude will help the family. If I don't react in a good way then the job I have will be harder to do and not fun.
I should always say good things to my family. When I say bad things it makes people sad.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Baby Hamsters

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Time I Stepped on a Nail
The summer I was six years old my brother, Seth, was taking apart our deck. We needed it taken down because it was old and weak and wasn't safe anymore. When I was walking near the place where the nails were I accidentally stepped on one. I was barefoot. I knew right away it was a nail, but it only hurt a little bit at first. My sister, Rachel, had to hold me down so Mom could pull the nail out. That is when it really hurt. Mom put an ice pack on the spot and carried me inside to rest. I was sad because Mom and I were just leaving for the pool and now we couldn't go. It took four days for my foot to stop hurting whenever I stepped on that spot. When no one was around to help I would hop on one foot to get to the kitchen. I was happy when my foot healed up, then Mom and I could go to the pool.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
On My Birthday
My friends surprised me while I was staying at my grandma and grandpa's farm. My friends had not been to the farm before so I showed them the farm. The house has an attic. My friends liked the attic. They had fun and I did, too. We had hot dogs and s'mores. The s'mores were for dessert. They had fun playing with the presents I got for my birthday. I got a yo-yo for my birthday and a few more presents, too.
We went down to the creek and waded in the water. After that we went back up to the house and washed our feet in the bathtub.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My Brother Ben
He likes to play outside. He will eat dirt sometimes. He likes to swim at the pool. He doesn't want to leave the pool. He likes to put rocks in his pocket. He likes to go on walks. He likes to ride in the car. He loves Popsicles, ice cream, cookies, chocolate milk and candy. He likes to play with Mom's hair. He likes to play in the tub. He likes to go to Grandma's house. He likes the movies Cars, Open Season, El Dorado, and Ratatouille. He likes to rock-a-bye before he goes to bed. He likes to play with Play-doh. He likes to give his food to the dog when he is done eating. He likes birthdays because then he gets cake and ice cream. These are most of the things that my brother Benjamin likes to do. It is good that I know all these things because then I can do them with him.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My friend invited me to her birthday party. We went to the Mall of America. We got to go to Build-a-Bear Workshop. We made a bear. We got to dress her. I named my bear Emily. My friend named her bear Jackie. My sister made outfits for my bear and my friend's bear. My mom made a scarf for my bear. My sister is going to make a scarf for my friend's bear. And she is going to make a shirt and scarf for my friend's brother's bear. I went to my friend's house yesterday and my sister went with me. Then we went to our Grandma's house.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
One Dog and One Cat
This cat had friends. This dog had no friends. One cat walked to the dog. The cat said to the dog, "Why do you have no friends?" The dog said, "I have no friends because no one wants to be my friend." The cat said, "I can be your friend." The dog said, "Really?" The cat said, "If you want me to be your friend." The dog said, "I do want you to be my friend!" The cat said, "Okay!" The dog said, "I love you." The cat said, "I love you, too!"
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