Monday, February 27, 2012
When I Went To A Sleep Over
One day my friend invited me to sleep over at her house, and my mom said yes! So the next day I went to my friend's house at 12:15, and her mom said that we could go bowling at 2:30, and so we said that we should play three games. There was two girls and two boys, so it was boys against girls, and the girls won! So when we were done bowling we went back to my friend's house at 3:45, and we played a bunch more games. When we were done with supper we went to Perkins at 9:50 for some ice cream with some other friends. When we were done with our ice cream we went to Wal-Mart at 10:35 to buy some thing, and we were being weird and loud, and it was so much fun. The other friend that went with us to Perkins and Wal-Mart, asked if she could sleep over at my friend's house, too, and her mom said yes! So then we all went to my friend's house 11:45 and we were playing games and watching a movie, and we fell asleep at 2:30 a.m. Then in the morning we played some more games and laughed so hard that we were all turned red in the face, at 10:15 the other friend had to go so my friend and I got ready for the day, and played a lot of games on the Wii. And at 12:00 I had to go home. But I had the best time ever.