Thursday, February 23, 2012


People can be nice, and people can be mean. There are so many different kinds of people in the world, and some people do not treat other people the right way. In the beginning the world was so nice, and now the world is really bad. All people in the world are sinners, and we all do bad things. When you say to someone, "you are a sinner" they will get mad and say, "well I am not the only bad person in the world that does bad things" and they are right. They are not the only person in the world that does bad things, we all have done bad things before. If you want to tell someone about the Lord you have to tell them the right way, like this, "Jesus died on the cross to take our sins, and if we want to go to heaven when we die, then we have to believe on the Lord Jesus and accept His sacrifice, that is the only way to go to heaven." Some people in the world think they are Christians, but they have not accepted Jesus and turned from their sin, so that means that they are not a Christian. People are sinners, and we all have to face that sometime in our lives. We can't think that, if we do one thing that God likes that then we are a Christian, that's not the way it works. Life is never easy, there are so many things that we have to do that we might not like. People make mistakes all the time. There are a lot of decisions that we all have to make, and sometimes we do not make the right decision, but that is just the way life is. God is the one that gave us life, and if God did not create the world and space and life, then we would not be here. The only reason that there is life, is because God created it. The things that God created are so amazing, wonderful, and pretty, I just can't believe that God created all of this. I am so amazing.